Monday, October 01, 2007

Me, Me, its all about me!

Full Name: Kylie-Anne Marie Major
Birthday: Comes around every year in June
Birthplace: Narem. WA
Current Location: Sydney, NSW
Marital Status: Not married
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: ?175cm
Shoe Size: 7-8
Right or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Auzzie, Auzzie, Auzzie, then maybe English
Parents Still Together: yep
Siblings: yep- brother and sister

Color Your Hair: have dont it once, and didn't really like it
Twirl Your Hair: yeah, have been known to do that
Have Tattoos: nope, probably one day though
Have Piercings: nope
Want More Piercings: nope
Like Roller Coasters: yep, especially when with others who dont like them
Wish You Could Live Somewhere Else: yep, eg. back in WA, but have to wait til next year
Like Cleaning: yeah mostly, when I feel like it
Write In Print Or Cursive: whatever I feel like, mostly print lately
Own A Webcam: nope
Own A Laptop: yep
Own A Cellular: (edited: Own a mobile:) yep
Think Your Attractive: guess so
Get Motion Sickness: Nope
Want To Get Married: I guess so, one day
Believe In Yourself: hmm, needs a little improvement here
Get Along With Your Parents: hmm, still to be decided
Play An Instrument: yeah, sort of- need more improvement here too
Like Thunderstorms: yep
Swear: darn friends putting words into my head.. a little lol
Smoke: Only when on fire accidentally
Drink: sure, hope everyone does, dont want any dehydrated people coming through EC
Shower Daily: 98% of the time
Want To Go To College: nope, been there, done that
Know how To Drive: lol, I have a liscence, but- know how to drive?... thats up to you to decide
Cheat On Tests/Homework: nope, dont have any of those any more... in the past it has happened
Believe There Is Life On Other Planets: yep
Read The Newspaper: rarely
Wear Hats: rarely
Believe In Miracles: yep
Do Well In School: hard to know as I'm not in school... in the past I guess so, if I wanted to
Hate Yourself: nope, whats the point of that?
Have An Obsession: not really
Have a Best Friend: yep
Have Close Friends: yep
Care About Looks: it is rated higher than it should
Like Your Handwriting: sure, why not
Collect Anything: stuff...

Been In A Fist Fight: not a proper one, but have hit someone
Considered A Life In Crime: not really
Considered Being A Hooker: nope
Lied To Someone: yep, I'm not perfect
Been Used: probably
Used Someone: probably
Been In Love: yep, I love my family and friends
Kicked Someone In The Nuts: tried to, but I was too mad that I missed- go figure
Stolen Anything: yep, not perfect again
Held A Gun: yep, and shot one, and have killed one or two things
Cheated On Someone: nope
Been Cheated On: nope, not that I know of
Been Drunk: nope, no vampire has come by
Passed Out: nearly did once or twice
Been High: yep, but not afraid of hights too much
Smoked A Cigarette: no, but breathed in enough smoke that it has put me off for life
Been Dumped: yeah, although its more complicated than that
Skipped Class: yep, once or twice
Skipped School: I guess you could say that
Made Out With Just A Friend: nope

Mood: hopeful, excited and greatful
Hair: yep, still have it
Clothing: casual- jeans and shirt
Shoes: bare feet
What You Smell Like: Uhh, nothing really, maybe a mixture of me and my patients
Thing You Smell: fresh air, well as fresh as it gets in Sydney (which isn't much)
CD In Stereo: my CD player isn't working :(, but listening to Hands of Grace ATM on the computer
Thing I Ought To Be Doing: nothing much really, how sad is that

Color: Blue and purple
Number: dont really have one
Sport: Curently Karate, which I am learning
Animal: Tigers
Drink: water
Soda: lemon
Book: In his steps
Flower: dont really have one- maybe daisies
Place To Be: where I am, can't be in more than one place at a time
Theme Park: Um... whichever is closest is good
Fruit: Banana's

A Daydreamer: yeah, I guess
Sarcastic: yeah, too much
Angel: I was at a b'day party
Devil: dont think so
Shy: yep, too much
Talkative: there is the rare occasion

1 comment:

Della said...

Cool! :)

Might steal the questionaire thingy sometime...
