Sunday, February 25, 2007


(Written while on holidays sometime)…
Well, I am on holidays. Don’t have much internet access out here, so I am having withdrawal symptoms (also sorry to those who I have not replied to). Well things are going well, am not really doing anything. Well actually my grandparents are here and my grandpa likes watching the tennis and cricket, so I have actually been watching that. I thought cricket was really boring and a waste of time, but now I do like it. Well I like the quick game with only 20 overs each. That was a good game, and Australia has been winning all the games I’ve seen, so that makes it even better. And tennis, well, its okay, but still is not my favourite sport though.

I have been looking after our Bantams which I really like doing. We have hens sitting on eggs at the moment so we have had a few chickens. Unfortunately I think there have been about 11 eggs hatch and about 8 of those have died. It’s very sad. Some of them I have just found their dead bodies before even knowing they had hatched. But some deaths have been because of my bad judgement. One of these, the saddest death, was when I had to raise one of the chickens myself (the first one I had to this time). So I had it in a box and spent a fair bit of time with it, and it really liked me. It was sooo cute. Anyway, to cut the story short I moved one of the hens that had a chicken from the chook pen and put them in a safer cage. I decided it would be better for the chicken to be with a mother hen than for me to raise it, so I decided to put this chicken out with the mother (for the best interest of the chicken, I really didn’t want to let it go). I went into the cage once to put some food in there and my dear little chicken, as it normally does it followed me. But it started to chirp and the mother hen must have thought I was hurting the chicken, so it came over, being very protective and I thought it was going to attack me, so I had to pick the chicken up to quiet it and had to put the chicken back in through the door. It was very hard to let it go. Anyway, the next 2 days it rained so I wasn’t able to check on the chicken. When it stopped raining I was able to go out and check. I thought I saw the chicken. But later, Heather had a closer look and found that my chicken had died. She said she didn’t want to tell me, but she did. And so I had to bury the chicken (while to dog was watching, so I hope he doesn’t dig it up again, but she hasn’t yet, I’ve been watching). Anyway, I don’t really like that mother hen anymore.

Anyway, I have two chickens that I am raising myself at the moment. One of them I had found in the chook pen that had started to hatch but was too tired and weak to completely get out of the shell. So I had to remove the rest of the shell and put it in the box with my other chicken. I think there was something wrong with its eyes at first as there was some dirt in it which I had to get out and it wasn’t quite pecking at things properly, but it is fine now. And this chicken has the funniest personality. It really likes stretching its neck as far as it can, and it is so independent and not scared of anything. Its just sooo funny and cute.

Another thing that happened the other day was an encounter with a racehorse goanna. I was outside with the chickens letting them go for a walk and explore, when I was just getting up to move somewhere else when I saw this thing racing towards my feet. And caught up in the moment I started jumping up and down, I think screaming or making some noise (although Heather said she thought she heard the dog barking). And then, realising what it was and realising it wasn’t going to move I quickly went and picked up my two chickens thinking it may try and eat the chickens and came to the front door of the house where Dad was just coming out to see what was going on. And Dad said it must have been the lizard that had been climbing around in our roof. So everyone went out and had a look and they tried to chase it away from the house so it doesn’t come back to the house. So that was something exciting.

(Written today)
My holidays are over now, I’m back! (That’s if anyone realised I was gone). I just arrived early this morning. Hardly got any sleep last night on the plane and have been moving into a different room (boo hoo - I couldn’t get my old room back). My new room is okay, but I really would like to move out!!!!!! But probably need a car first, and that requires money. Oh, quick catch up with my holidays, I lost some wisdom teeth along the way and probably some wisdom as well. And it didn’t hurt at all, I really don’t know what those people are talking about when they say its really painful. Maybe I am just a luck one. Another even that happened was one of our neighbours came to our house and was really stressed because he found his workman in his room lying on his bed confused and slipping in and out of consciousness. So me and Dad went over there and I discovered that he was a diabetic and when I took his blood sugar level it was 1.2, which is very low. So I had to get him to drink some cordial and make sure he was okay before they got him to hospital. So my knowledge came in handy and may have saved his life even. Yay to me. Anyways my holidays weren’t that boring. I also started to pull down part of the chook pen we have (which is really, really old and about to fall down), and went a bit further than I was intending, but it was just hanging there as if a slight breeze would blow it over. Anyway, it now stands half pulled down seeing as the chooks are actually still kept in this pen. Hmmm… I really have talked too much about the chooks… Anyways, I think this coming year is going to be very exciting and challenging and important. Me, an RN, I really can’t see that right now.


Brandon said...

Sounds like you've been up to a lot since your last post!!! Sorry to hear about the chicken incidents, but glad to hear you are alive and well!

I'm sure you've got plenty of wisdom left too btw :)

kris said...

its too bad you couldn't bring the chooks with you!...although, if your going to be moving in with daniel...i hear he is wanting to start (or maybe already has) a little chook farm. so you won't be too far away from them:)

take care!