Wednesday, June 18, 2008

8 Months Later...

She post's again!
So, as you can see I have updated my blogs layout (If you saw it before). Its probably a bit too purple and needs a few other colours, but I like it for now. Me update time:
- I have finished my New Grad program and am no longer the newbie
- I have a full time job in Recovery and am really enjoying it
- My Brother got married, I gained a new sister
- I have had another birthday and am now a year older, and hopefully wiser
- I have my first karate tournament in a week and will be aiming for gold
- I still live in the same house as before, but I will be moving out in 2 weeks
- I am going to Europe in August this year!!!! Only 7 more weeks, very exciting
- I finally own a digital camera so I can actually take photos when I'm in Europe
Other than that, I'm still pretty much the same 'me' as before.

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