Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Recent thoughts

I have been pretty dull lately, so I thought I would write something cheery. I’ve finished all my classes and exams for the year, Yippee, I feel great about that. Last week (or maybe the last two weeks) was one of the worst weeks, but it is over now. And I also had my last interview today for jobs next year. I feel good. And lately I have been thinking about all my friends at the moment, and I am so glad to know them. They all have particular perks that make them special and they are just great people. I think next year will be hard as I will miss all of them. They are so fun. Well I do feel like naming them all, but then I don’t want to leave anyone out so I will not. But I just want to say thankyou for being my friend, you really have all made a difference in my life. I love ya all.

I watched a movie not long ago called ‘Rumour has it...’ and now I really feel sorry for guys. I think women can be so complicated. I guess I can be to… And I thought of another reason today, but I can’t remember what it was… I just think we women are so emotionally driven, which can be good, but also bad.

Anyway, another thing I wanted to share was that I had a patient recently that was not allowed to have an operation due to their age. I don’t know all the details because I wasn’t actually the one looking after them, but from what I observed, I think he really wanted the operation. And I don’t really know where I stand on this issue. There is the view that old people are nearing the end of their life and they should just be left to die naturally, that the resources and money could be used more efficiently on a younger person who is more likely to benefit from the surgery, and the older a person is the higher the risk of complications from the operation. But then also what about the patient’s life? What about what they want? What about their quality of life? There are so many issues out there that I had not even considered or thought of, it can be very difficult being a nurse and trying to be a patient advocate.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Hey congratulations with finishing up! I'm barely getting started... :(

Friendships are so awesome - I love so many great friends and you are definately one of them!

Any results from your interview yet?