Saturday, August 19, 2006

One of my favourite texts

And He became their Saviour.
In all their suffering He also suffered,
and He personally rescued them.
In his love and mercy He redeemed them.
He lifted them up and carried them
through all the years.
Isaiah 63:8-9 (NLT)

I found this text one day a while ago, and I really liked it then and I still do. I kept reading it over and over at the time. And then I looked it up and read it in a few different translations and I liked this one the best.
This text just shows the great love God has for us, so great that He became our Saviour and died for us. And this text also shows how He understands us and the things we go through because He went through exactly the same things when He was on earth and He suffered along side of us. And it shows that He wants to know us personally and be connected with us so much that He came and personally rescued us. He did not send someone else to do the work to rescue us, He did it Himself.
And he redeemed us -delivered us from sin and damnation; purchased our freedom; saved, rescued and reclaimed us- through his love and mercy. And I feel he must have a lot of love and mercy to even want to redeem me because I certainly continually fail Him, and He has to put up with a lot from me. And just knowing that He has so much more love and mercy than I can ever have or even imagine gives he hope.
And instead of just leaving us alone and coming and rescuing us when we needed Him the most, no, he carried us through all the years, or carried us all of our life. He lifted us up so we are not walking by our own strength, but by His strength, and he was always carrying us, holding us close to him, and protecting us from the things around us that we may not have even been aware of.
I just really like this text, it says a lot to me.

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